Friday, February 4, 2011

“O’ Really, Really???”

ABC Strikes again!: Liberal Propaganda on the loose!

Tonight at 9 PM EST, there was a show on ABC called “What would you do?”. I am sure some folks have seen this show or have seen other shows like it. The basic premise of this type of show is to stage an uncomfortable situation in front of a bunch of bystanders to see how they react. For this show, they do it several times with different little variations to see the reaction of the public. Great and harmless entertainment, right? In the old days they called this type of show “Candid Camera” (that is for you old farts out there, or you middle age farts like me who vaguely remember this comedy show). The main difference between “Candid Camera” and “What would you do?” is basically this: “Candid Camera” ranged from slightly funny to hilarious situations, while “What would you do?” uses semi-serious to very serious topics to drive home some moral or political point of view. In most cases this show can be harmless and mildly entertaining. For instance, the second “stage” of the show tonight involved the following situation:

A person or persons is finishing their meal at a public restaurant. He / She / They get up after finishing their meal and leave a tip on the table for the server. After He / She / They leave, a stranger (actor) gets up from an adjacent table and steals the tip. Now the whole gist of this is what do other people do that witness this theft? Do they stop the thief; do they get the manager, what? Now this situation is cut and dry. The stranger is obviously stealing money. No moral grey area here. The grey area is all about how the other people react to this blatant thievery. Nice and harmless entertainment right?

I never saw the completion of this section of the show because I was completely outraged by the first “stage” of the show tonight. I will set it up…

The first “stage” of the show featured two actors in a local restaurant in one of Nevada’s border towns. One actor is of obvious “Hispanic” descent and will feign to know little to no English for the entire encounter. The other actor is a “white boy” Security officer (not a cop, this is important), that will challenge the “Hispanic’s” actors citizenship. Let me be clear here, in every episode of this encounter the “Hispanic” actor does NOTHING out of the ordinary to draw attention to himself (herself, themselves, whatever) again this is a very important point. During every variation of this encounter, the “white boy” security officer (not a real cop) asks a few questions of the “Hispanic” actor and gets nothing back but broken English and some Spanish. So, the “white boy” finally asks the “Hispanic” for some sort of identification. He first asks for a “driver’s license”, then (in EVERY EPISODE), he asks for “your papers”. By the time the security cop (rent a cop…whatever), asks for “your papers”, some bold bystander “American” challenges him. In most cases the “American” tells the security cop to stop harassing the “Hispanic” actor. In some cases the “American” goes so far as to challenge the security cop to his rights, and basically humiliates the security cop in public. It all looks so nice on TV. The ugly “authoritative figure” asking for “your papers” while outstanding freedom loving “American” citizens’ challenge that authority. Wow, such a pleasing picture to see, isn’t it, Americans standing up for their ‘illegal’ brothers rights.

Whoops!! That was a sure big leap of me to take there wasn’t it? I guess I took some “liberal” steps to get from point A to point B didn’t I (no pun indented)? Or did I?

To the average uninformed person, this whole episode was a great way to denounce the obvious “racial profiling” that MUST be going on in every state bordering Mexico. The big bad police are just questioning every halfway looking “Hispanic” person they see and demanding to see “your papers”. Obviously, law abiding American citizens in the public (this was staged to see what unsuspecting people would do) would never stand for this! It is a complete invasion of privacy and is against the “American” way! So, because these average “American” citizens were so outraged at this staged event, any “illegal immigration law” must be horrid and “un-American”, right?

Before I get into the details of why this staged event is a complete piece of trash and total left wing propaganda, let me just state that if I were present at this ”staged” event, then my reaction would have been very similar, if not identical to those unsuspecting citizens that were put in this dilemma.

Ok, now to tear this apart!

The entire “staged” episode is a complete fraud for two reasons. The first reason is obvious, no “security officer”, or “rent a cop” would question anyone while they were off duty. Why? Simple reason is they don’t get paid for that. Along the same lines is this: “Security officer” does not equal “Police Officer” of any sort. Off the bat, you replace our “white boy security officer” with a “white boy REAL cop” and all outcomes would have been different based on the simple fact that real policemen get much more respect (and carry a gun). So, strike one on ABC and their attempt to fool the American public.

The second reason this is a complete fraud is this: All of the “illegal immigration laws” that I have read, or have come across, DEMAND that a suspect must be in the act of, or suspicious of committing a crime before any questions are asked about their legal status. In every variation tonight, the “Hispanic” actor(s) were minding their own business and doing nothing wrong! So, the “security cop” (again, why not use a real badge here ABC, so freaking obvious you are trying to pull something here) goes out of his way to question the innocent “Hispanic” actor. Notice I did not put innocent in quotations. The “Hispanic” actor was innocent of any wrong doing, so I applaud all the bystanders for sticking up for the “Hispanic” actor. They did the right thing! I am proud of them.

Another factor that proves that this is completely set up to make any “illegal immigration laws” look “un-American” is the use of “your papers”. When in the world have you ever heard an American cop (real cop) ask for “your papers”? I have been pulled over multiple times while driving and have heard “license and registration”, but never “your papers”. This is an obvious use of phrasing to promote that “illegal immigration laws” are “un-American”. I mean come on, the only time you hear “your papers” is either some German flick or Russian flick. Please, ABC…so obvious. At least make an effort to fool the American public. At this point you are just insulting our intelligence.

Let me describe for you the scene that would make sense for determining a real “American” bystanders reaction to proposed “illegal immigration law”.
Actor one is obviously of “Hispanic” decent. Actor two is a Nevada Highway Patrolman with gun and motorcycle to prove it. Actor one has finished his (her) meal and has consumed multiple alcoholic drinks and is acting drunk and out of control. When accosted by the restaurant manager, Actor one is belligerent and throws things. Actor two, then approaches Actor one and asks him (her) to calm down. Actor one continues to be uncooperative. Then, Actor two warns Actor one to calm down or there could be a violation for disturbing the peace or public drunkenness. Actor one does not comply. Then, Actor two declares Actor one is under arrest for failure to comply and asks to see some form of identification.

How many outstanding “American” citizens jump up to say the Policemen is wrong? Not a single one.

I would like to thank ABC for their outstanding attempts at misleading the American Public. It is such a shame that you people actually make any money putting such spotty work together.

Russ Jackson

1 comment:

  1. Russ, it's Rob.

    I thought this was a fantastic description of how terribly one sided American media has become. Well done man.

    I hate to say it, but this is all over the media in lots of different ways. For instance, go see any George Clooney movie made in the last 9 years. I was abhorred by the scene from "Men Who Stare at Goats" where Clooney frees all the insurgents from the terrible military and they run off into the sunset together. Are you kidding me?!?

    As far as the illegal immigration laws go, I'm all for having everyone carry identification. If I'm in any country outside of the United States, I have to show proof of a valid visa or I'll get arrested. Why is our country any different then the rest of the world? Come here legally or get arrested.

    Talk to you later brother,

